Date : 2024-09-04

Guest post by Suzan Enell (available on Instagram under the account Ultrasuz) who herself not only managed to lose 35 kilos but also built more muscles and took back the ultra title (after 10 years of absence) by running a 50km race - where she also came in 2nd place in the women's category.

Family logistics - How do you get it together?

There will be no post about effective performance enhancers or how to max out in the bench press. Here comes a very humble post for those of you who may be in the middle of your toddler years with sleepless nights and vab swamps and want to get a little more movement in your life.

How to put it together? Is it even possible to get it together? Answer: Yes. It goes and everything has its time.

Not everyone has a partner who is present, grandparents who can help with pick-up or the option of a babysitter. This post is for you in the hope of being able to help more people think "outside the box" if you have difficulty achieving a more active everyday life than you want.

First of all, I want to strike a blow for a lunchtime walk if the opportunity exists. I myself work administratively, so most of the time I have the opportunity to eat lunch in front of the computer and can thus accumulate steps during my lunch break. Commuting to work by bike or getting off the bus a few stops earlier shouldn't be underestimated either, and in addition to getting some exercise, it gives a little extra energy to start the day with fresh air!

For those of you who have a partner but still find it difficult to get it together, I think it is important to sit down and plan together, what is important to whom and how can you lay it out so that both are in agreement regarding wishes and expectations. Sit down one evening a week and check how the planning looks like.

For those who do not have a partner present or for some other reason are alone with children:
- Is there a possibility of a babysitter?
- Any other parent that you can team up with and take turns with pick-up?
- Bring Mellis to preschool pick-up and stop at an outdoor gym on the way home - or bring a soccer ball and hang out at a soccer field.
- Check if you have a gym where children can come along or perhaps an activity where both children and parents train together?
- Can you exercise at lunch, or together with the children, while they are at some activity or when they have gone to bed?
- Depending on the age of the child, there are both jogging strollers or maybe the child can ride a bike while you run alongside?

And my absolute most valuable tip (unfortunately something that is possibly a bit stigmatized at the moment and not everyone may agree with me, but which I still want to give a shot about):
- Put the children in front of an iPad or TV with a packet of raisins for half an hour while you exercise. It's not dangerous with screen time and I absolutely agree that it shouldn't be watched endlessly, but a little TV for the benefit of mom or dad being able to exercise gives so much!

There are lots of opportunities if you have goals you want to achieve and are willing to find solutions instead of problems - dare to think outside the box, 15 min of training is more than 0.

Of course, the above tips are something that may need to be practiced before you get the logistics together in a smooth way and with time the children also get older and more independent and hopefully with your active choices you have also taken the lead in creating a routine that is also contagious take care of the children - be a role model, active parents give active children!

Good luck and welcome to Instagram if you want to give feedback, more tips or tell us how you're doing!

/Suzan "Ultrasuz" Enell

Written by Suzan Enell

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